-H.M.S. Hood Crew Information-
H.M.S. Hood Crew List
Updated 07-Mar-2010

This part of the site offers a searchable database of the H.M.S. Roll of Honour who match particular criteria such as rank / rating, age, home town etc.

Chainbar divider

Ranks / rates are the highest known for each man during his time serving in Hood.

12 men are known to have served in Hood and reached the rank of Leading Steward

SurnameForenamesRank / RatingService No.FromTo
SalvatoreLeading StewardL119226th August 193631st May 1939
William LeslieLeading StewardP/LX 23078Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
William EdwardLeading StewardL119967th December 193228th August 1934
Edward Christian VictorLeading StewardL1217313th August 193228th August 1934
Irvine ArchieLeading StewardL112291st July 193131st December 1931
William EdwardLeading StewardL126515th February 193519th August 1936
George EdwardLeading StewardL1037321st February 193626th August 1936
Kenneth ArthurLeading StewardL1270531st August 19333rd May 1935
AlfredLeading StewardL1231123rd March 193130th August 1933
Edward CharlesLeading StewardP/LX 2080312th May 194124th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Robert EdwardLeading StewardP/L 12054Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
PeterLeading StewardL1455714th August 193415th September 1936