-H.M.S. Hood Crew Information-
H.M.S. Hood Crew List
Updated 06-Jun-2022

It is estimated that as many as 18,000 men, perhaps more, served aboard the "Mighty Hood" during the operational portion of her 21 year career. Unfortunately, there is no surviving official single listing of ALL men who served in her. Here you will find our attempt at creating such a listing. We are using the few, fragmentary crew lists known to exist, Navy Lists, various official reports, public records, and most importantly of all, inputs from the families of former crew.Chainbar divider

SurnameForenamesRank / RatingService No.FromTo
James ShawAble SeamanJ8970024th November 19236th January 1926
George RigbyMidshipman 1st May 194024th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Joseph StanleyLeading Supply AssistantM341261st January 192525th January 1925
William FrederickStoker 1st ClassP/KX9298216th July 193816th March 1941
William Edward JamesActing Sub-Lieutenant 3rd November 192330th November 1924
Joseph WilliamStoker 2nd ClassP/KX 107115Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
William ThomasAble SeamanJ10452812th May 19316th October 1931
Thomas HenryLeading StokerK342668th August 192816th May 1929
Ronald CharlesAble SeamanP/JX 159520Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
AlbertChief StokerK1046316th March 193126th August 1932
FrederickStoker Petty OfficerK51991st May 192916th May 1929
Charles FrancisAble SeamanJ10778921st April 192817th May 1929
Randolph WebbStoker 1st ClassK6310428th August 193131st December 1931
ReginaldStoker Petty Officer (Acting)K1919715th May 19234th November 1925
A.E.SignalmanUnknownBefore 27th November 1923 (Empire Cruise)After 28th September 1924 (Empire Cruise)
Arthur HenryAble SeamanJ11021328th April 192628th August 1927
Edward ThomasOfficer Cook 2nd ClassL141275th January 193230th August 1933
R.J.H.Stoker 1st ClassUnknownBefore 27th November 1923 (Empire Cruise)After 28th September 1924 (Empire Cruise)
Robert YoungActing Stoker Petty OfficerK6437816th March 19316th January 1933
Arthur ClarenceChief ERA 1st ClassM10982911th May 193426th August 1936
Walter CharlesMarinePO/2242023rd August 193924th May 1941 (loss of ship)
AlbertTelegraphistPSSX 2383619391940
AlexanderLeading StokerK85231st April 192026th July 1921
Raymond Kut JamesLeading StokerP/KX 92158Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Alfred DouglasCookM390971st January 192816th May 1929
LeonardWiremanP/MX 68628Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
David WalterStoker 1st Class3086094th December 192529th April 1927
Andrew ThomasChief Petty OfficerJ3333829th November 19376th February 1938
Ronald Henry HawtonElectrical Artificer 3rd ClassM3774829th August 192816th May 1929
William ArthurElectrical Artificer 3rd ClassM384907th January 192627th August 1928
Paul LeathleyLieutenant March 19203rd April 1921
AlbertAble SeamanJ9686416th August 192716th May 1929
Francis WilliamChief ERA 2nd ClassM12761. 4th February 1920
2. 1st April 1920
1. 31st March 1920
2. 31st August 1923
Lawrence Archibald Unknown19401940
ByronOrdinary SeamanD/J10161923rd May 19225th January 1925
ByronAble SeamanJ10161923rd May 19229th June 1925
Henry MatthewAble SeamanP/SSX 19031Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Francis JohnChief Stoker2372067th January 192629th April 1927
F.J.UnknownUnknownBefore 27th November 1923 (Empire Cruise)After 28th September 1924 (Empire Cruise)
HarryWarrant OfficerJ6247 (as a rating)UnknownUnknown
Reginald FrankChief Engine Room ArtificerP/M 3326430th August 193524th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Alfred GeorgeAble SeamanP/JX 153215Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Anthony RayWriterP/MX 63510Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Charles WilliamOrdinary SeamanJ10834910th September 19264th January 1927
William GeorgeStoker 1st ClassK5997628th August 192816th May 1929
Alfred William AlexanderAble SeamanJ593611. 15th April 1920
2. 28th August 1928
1. 7th April 1921
2. 16th May 1929
Alfred JamesLeading Stoker2386381. 4th December 1925
2. 1st April 1927
1. 14th January 1927
2. 30th April 1928
ArnoldStoker 1st ClassK6610016th March 19319th January 1933
Cecil FrancisStoker 1st ClassK1096828th August 192816th May 1929
David MarkFitterM3498119201922
Enoch MorganOrdinary SeamanJ10960213th January 192512th January 1926
FrederickAble SeamanJ980968th January 19269th January 1928
FrederickStoker 1st ClassK 557711st September 19212nd November 1924
George HenryAble SeamanJ2616612th May 193130th August 1933
Henry JohnAble SeamanJ1052311st September 192526th November 1925
JamesStoker 1st Class KX 8311319341938
JohnAble SeamanJ 253875th January 193230th August 1933
JohnOrdinary SeamanJ1145391st April 19276th January 1929
John ThomasActing Leading StokerK6038429th December 192214th May 1923
KennethLieutenant-CommanderN/Aabout 1922about 1922
Leonard D.Steward (O) 2nd ClassL 10673Unknown25th March 1921 (died)
Leonard RoyActing Petty OfficerJ11158831st August 193331st January 1935
MelvilleMarinePO/X 4154Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Ralph Alan BevanLieutenantN/ADecember 1922January 1925
Ralph Alan BevanLieutenant 28th December 19225th April 1925
Reginald John Electrical Artificer 3rd ClassM3932118th May 19319th May 1932
Reginald SkeggsActing Chief ERA 2nd classM3398630th August 193527th June 1938
RobertStoker 2nd ClassP/KX 105271Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Thomas EdwardChief Stoker3100242nd November 19262nd January 1928
Thomas William GuyAble SeamanP/J 9752317th August 193624th May 1941 (loss of ship)
WilliamLeading Stoker (Acting)K 567524th December 19253rd April 1928
William GeorgeMarinePO 1961517th August 19341st September 1936
Willie SmithAble Seaman21949715th May 19236th January 1926
John HenryPetty OfficerJ1190216th March 19316th January 1933
EugeneAble SeamanJ2699915th April 192014th May 1923
RichardStoker 1st ClassK5923128th August 192516th May 1929
ThomasPetty OfficerJ3801131st August 193320th February 1936
William George CawdlishLieutenantNot known19341934
WalterLeading StokerK5557516th March 193130th August 1933
Eric CharlesStoker 1st ClassP/KX 100487Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Bertie Douglas MessinesStoker 2nd ClassP/KX 116723Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Arthur RobertLeading SeamanJ1531631st August 19333rd May 1935
William JamesLeading SeamanJ6984329th August 19258th January 1926
FrederickStoker 1st ClassK630358th January 192916th May 1929
RobertMidshipmanUnknownabout 1921about 1922
William EdwadPetty OfficerJ4483321st February 193619th August 1936
Michael JamesStoker 1st ClassK6406128th August 192816th May 1929
Thomas Henry JohnAble SeamanJ1229928th August 192816th May 1929
William ArthurOrdinary SeamanJ10988724th April 19261st September 1926
Frederick JohnStoker 1st ClassK4629316th March 19319th May 1932
ReginaldAble SeamanJ2667021st February 19369th August 1936
Arthur LewisTelegraphistJ865517th January 192627th August 1928
AustinStoker 1st ClassK6390116th March 193130th August 1933
Cecil EwartStoker Petty OfficerK 571406th May 192529th April 1927
Charles ThomasLeading SeamanJ1321715th April 192014th May 1923
Edward Joseph SenisActing ERA 4th ClassM3769613th January 192916th May 1929
GeorgePetty Officer2175434th July 192114th May 1923
George HenryShipwright 2nd ClassM72131. 17th July 1922
2. 28th August 1931
1. 6th January 1926
2. 17th November 1931
Henry TudorAble SeamanJ979002nd April 192916th May 1929
John DouglasActing Chief Electrical Artificer 2nd classM2755016th March 19315th May 1933
John GeorgeStoker Petty OfficerP/KX 772351. 10th March 1931
2. 10th June 1940
1. 25th September 1931
2. 24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Charles HenryAssistant CookMX60814April 1940August 1940
Edward RalphAble SeamanJ10640410th November 192328th August 1925
Francis (Frank)Ordinary TelegraphistPMX74722025th May 193724th March 1938
Herbert Christopher SherrattActing Leading StokerK6467928th August 192816th May 1929
Herbert OswaldElectrical Artificer 2nd ClassM1410015th May 19236th January 1926
Herbert StanleyLeading StokerK70401st July 193131st December 1931
James ArthurAble SeamanJ728951st September 19215th January 1923
John HerbertTelegraphistJ10805324th January 192528th August 1927
TomStoker 1st ClassK116981. 24th February 1920
2. 1st April 1920
1. 31st March 1920
2. 6th January 1922
Victor CharlieOrdinary SeamanJ1141934th December 192620th April 1928
William Henry JamesAble SeamanJ9684328th August 193131st December 1931
Robert WilliamAble SeamanJ910541. 26th July 1922
2. 24th June 1923
1. 26th April 1923
2. 29th August 1925
Edward EricAble SeamanJ111817th December 192011th May 1922
Archibald Frederick EdwinPetty OfficerJ693738th September 193614th January 1940
Dudley VincentAble SeamanJ7404615th April 19207th December 1920
Thomas Albert WilliamMechanician 1K6331831st August 193329th August 1935
Richard HenryOrdinary SeamanJ11357827th August 192620th April 1928
Donald OgilvieOrdinary SeamanP/JX 159513Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Francis EdwardActing Leading SeamanJ1005536th May 193330th August 1933
Brian CrickmoreLeading TelegraphistJ339161st April 192020th April 1920
Charles JohnChief Electrical Artificer 1st classM289212th May 19316th January 1933
Lawrence AllenMusicianRMB/3064Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Richard CharlesStoker Petty OfficerP/K 6373021st June 193924th May 1941 (loss of ship)
A.V.D.Able SeamanUnknownBefore 27th November 1923 (Empire Cruise)After 28th September 1924 (Empire Cruise)
Alan Victor DesmondAble SeamanJ4598624th November 192329th August 1925
Albert VictorChief Petty Officer CookM225912th May 193122nd April 1932
Donald ThomasAble SeamanJ10071512th May 19314th September 1932
HaroldOrdinary SeamanJ9883716th August 192114th May 1923
Leslie Arthur (Known as 'Samuel')UnknownP/SSX 17928WartimeWartime (before loss of ship)
Stanley GeorgeLeading SeamanJ1630831st August 193331st October 1935
Edward LeslieAble SeamanJ9339930th August 193528th August 1936
Graham Stanley EdgarAble Seaman2293916th January 192214th May 1923
Frank AlfredTelegraphistP/JX 151516Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
DavidChief StokerK188215th August 19276th January 1929
John Gordon MorrisonLieutenant-Commander (E)N/A10th July 193924th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Roy DonaldSignalmanP/SSX 29091Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Frederick WilliamPetty OfficerJ292087th January 192220th April 1923
Joseph HenryOrdinary TelegraphistJ10162012th August 19227th May 1927
Robert WilliamStoker 2nd ClassP/KX 116927Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
Thomas EliAble SeamanJ9537128th August 192816th May 1929
Robert EdwardWarrant Engineer 1st April 192330th November 1925
FrederickERA 1st ClassM21621st April 19274th May 1928
Harry ThomasChief Petty Officer TelegraphistJ1001312th December 192126th November 1925
William HenryRegulating Petty Officer22005922nd March 19216th January 1922
Francis HenrySignalmanJ1130839th January 192727th August 1928
GeraldAble SeamanJ10140413th November 192630th April 1929
I.Ordinary SeamanUnknownBefore 27th November 1923 (Empire Cruise)After 28th September 1924 (Empire Cruise)
Arthur FrederickOrdinary SeamanJ1151621st April 192716th May 1929
B.A.E.Boy 1st ClassUnknownBefore 27th November 1923 (Empire Cruise)After 28th September 1924 (Empire Cruise)
Benjamin Alexander EdwardAble SeamanJ1059232nd November 19237th May 1925
David MorganStoker 2nd ClassP/KX 108911Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
EugeneLeading SeamanJ10144523rd April 192728th August 1927
F.J.Stoker 1st ClassUnknownBefore 27th November 1923 (Empire Cruise)After 28th September 1924 (Empire Cruise)
Francis StephenStoker Petty Officer30954723rd May 192116th June 1922
GeorgeAble SeamanSSX1291831st December 192716th May 1929
George FrancisChief Petty Officer Writer34735921st November 19236th January 1926
H.R.Chief PlumberUnknownBefore 27th November 1923 (Empire Cruise)After 28th September 1924 (Empire Cruise)
H.V.Paymaster LieutenantN/AUnknown22nd April 1922
Harry ReginaldLeading SeamanJ970001. 27th August 1921
2. 28th August 1928
1. 14th May 1923
2. 16th May 1929
Herbert James Able SeamanJ10677527th April 19255th April 1929
IvorAble SeamanJ10519520th April 192328th November 1924
J.H.Ordinary SeamanUnknownUnknown - aboard early 1940Unknown - aboard early 1940
JamesShipwright class 1M741913th November 192630th April 1929
James Garnet GreenwoodMarine23944, then, later, PO 2148047th December 192021st March 1928
James SamuelPetty Officer Shipwright 2nd ClassP/MX 464479th August 19365th September 1939
Joseph WilliamYeoman of SignalsJ1908931st August 19339th May 1937
MorganTelegraphistJ11221721st April 192627th August 1928
Reginald BradfordStoker 1st ClassD/K 60312Before 27th November 1923 (Empire Cruise)After 28th September 1924 (Empire Cruise)
Reginald HoraceShipwright 2nd ClassM3395016th March 193130th August 1933
Richard ArthurAble SeamanJ1136341. 16th March 1931
2. 7th April 1939
1. 30th August 1933
2. 21st May 1940
Richard Thomas Able SeamanJ9686515th May 192114th May 1923
Sidney FrankAble SeamanJ11133616th June 193126th November 1931
StanleyOrdinary SeamanJ11515928th April 192816th May 1929
Stanley HughPetty Officer Telegraphist20277811. 4th February 1922
2. 19th May 1923
1. 31st December 1922
2. 8th May 1925
Thomas HenryAble SeamanJ995151. 24th November 1923
2. 29th August 1925
1. 5th January 1925
2. 27th August 1928
Thomas KeithPaymaster CadetN/A1st January 19383rd January 1939
William HarriesOrdinary SeamanJ11190710th April 19261st September 1926
William JohnAble SeamanJ11001224th April 19261st September 1926
William Prys OwenActing Sub-Lieutenant 15th January 192331st May 1925
Ormonde PhilipMarineR.F.R. P/2346 or X811August 1939May 1940
Walter CharlesAble SeamanJ9825816th March 19316th January 1933
PatrickLeading Seaman21560215th April 192014th May 1923
David EmrysOrdinary SeamanP/JX 224005Unknown24th May 1941 (loss of ship)
RobertAble SeamanSSX121561st December 192627th August 1928
Robert AlastairMidshipmanN/ASeptember 1926July 1927
Thomas Walter WilliamAble SeamanP/J 911888th September 193624th May 1941 (loss of ship)
UnknownLeading Torpedo OperatorUnknown19381938
Walter Charles TownsendLieutenant-CommanderN/ANovember 1924January 1925