H.M.S. Reference and Research Materials
Searchable Database of Movements of H.M.S. Hood
Updated 07-Mar-2010

Use this page to search for details of where Hood was on any date or period. Detailed entries from the logs are only available for a certain months - mainly World War 2. Basic details about where the ship was are held for all of Hood's life from 1920 to 1941.

Chainbar divider

Transcription of the Log of H.M.S. Hood

Tuesday 1st November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Palma Bay, Majorca
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

09:30 - Training classes to instruction
10:00 - Remainder of hands employed cleaning and painting ship
10:30 - Lt Newey RNR discharged to "Hasty"
11:00 - Pay Lt Len White discharged to Mil Hospital
12:30 - Spanish Admiral commanding Nationalist Cruiser Squadron visited ACQ
14:00 - All boats away under sail
14:30 - Hands employed as required
16:00 - Evening Quarters
17:15 - Darkened ship

Wednesday 2nd November 1938

From: Palma
To: Sea
At: -
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - From Palma to 'At Sea'
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:45 - Divisions. Prayers.
09:30 - Training classes to instruction
10:00 - Hands cleaning and painting ship
13:30 - Hands preparing ship for sea
16:55 - Shortened in Port cable
17:04 - Weighed Port anchor and pointed to 215°
17:10 - Proceeded at 10kn co. 215°
17:14 - Streamed p.v.'s
17:35 - Exercised night action stations
18:00 - Toro Is. ? starb. At 4.1m
18:45 - Secured Quarters
19:02 - a/co. 280°
19:45 - ?? Dragonera Is. Bore 006°
19:45 - ?ß Dragonera Is. Bore 006°

Thursday 3rd November 1938

From: Sea
To: Gaudia and sea
At: -
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - At sea, to Gandia and sea
00:17 - a/co. 250°
05:40 - C. Nao bore 177 1/2°
06:15 - a/co. 253°
06:20 - C. Cullera 300°. Mt. Mundinba 261 3/4°. C. San Antonio 159°
07:07 - Red to 8kn a/co. 258°
07:17 - Red to 6kn
07:19 - Recovered p.v.'s
07:25 - Stopped engines
07:34 - Came to with Port in 10fm vessel 6sh
09:30 - Hands employed as required
10:00 - Landed 600 gallons of petrol
10:30 - Embarked 600 Cuban refugees for passage to Marseilles
12:30 - Hoisted boats
12:58 - Weighed Port anchor and proceeded co. 050° sp 8kn
13:05 - Streamed p.v.'s
13:10 - Inc to 15kn
14:34 - Red to 8kn
14:40 - Recovered paravanes
14:50 - Inc to 15kn
16:12 - Columbretes Lt Ho bore 005°
17:23 - Columbretes Lt Ho abeam Port at 17.7m
18:00 - Inc to 15 1/2 kn
22:00 - a/co. 045°. Met and exchanged pdts with French Destroyer "La Fortune"

Friday 4th November 1938

From: Sea
To: Marseilles Road
At: -
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - Sea to Marseilles Road
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
07:00 - a/co. 027° Red to 14Kn
09:00 - Hands preparing to enter harbour
11:45 - Planier Lt Ho bore 040 1/2° and n.m.
11:47 - Red sp to 13kn
12:12 - Red to 12kn
12:32 - Planier Lt Ho. abeam at 2.5
12:47 - a/co. 045°
13:10 - a/co 110° and red sp. As req'd to approach anchorage in Marseilles Road
13:23 - Stopped engines
13:29 - Came to with Starboard anchor in 20fm vessel 7sh
14:00 - In harbour "HMS Hyperion"
14:30 - Spread awning. Hoisted outboats.
15:00 - Disembarked refugee passengers
16:00 - Evening Quarters. Read Warrants 84 and 85

Saturday 5th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Marseilles
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

08:00 - Saturday routine
09:00 - Hands employed cleaning ship between decks
10:45 - Captain's Mess Decks Rounds
12:00 - Piped make and mend clothes
14:00 - French Gun Boat "Granit" arrived
16:23 - "Hyperion" sailed

Sunday 6th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Marseilles
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - Anchored in Marseilles Road
06:00 - Hands employed scrubbing decks
08:00 - Sunday Routine
09:00 - Rigged Church on Quarter Deck
09:40 - Divisions. Captain's inspections upper deck
10:15 - Divine Service
10:50 - Piped down
16:30 - 11 Ratings discharged to RNB Portsmouth

Monday 7th November 1938

From: Marseilles
To: Sea
At: -
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - Marseilles to Sea
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
06:55 - French Minesweeper "Granit" to sea
10:00 - Hands preparing ship for sea
10:52 - Shortened in Starboard cable
11:03 - Weighed Starboard anchor and proceeded at 10kn co. As req'd to leave Marseilles Road
11:38 - Tiboulen de Maire Lt Ho bore 092° at 1.2m a/co. 180°
11:42 - Planier Lt Ho abeam? Starboard at 2.8m
11:55 - a/co. 125°
12:37 - Casidaigne Rf lt abeam to Port at 5.7
13:30 - Hands employed holystoning decks
14:47 - Sighted 2 French flying boats co. SE
18:38 - Trailed starboard inner propeller shaft. Outer shaft increased to 100 revs
20:06 - All shafts at 84 revs
20:30 - Spoken British SS "Pedin"
22:36 - Reduced revs on Port outer to 40 for repair of defect, increased inner shaft to 105 revs
23:06 - Sighted Saguinaires Lt by 079°. All shafts at 84 revs
23:30 - Advanced clocks on hour to gmt -1

Tuesday 8th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Sea
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - At sea
01:22 - Muro Lt bore 077°
01:30 - Aquila Lt bore 099°
01:38 - Sanguinaires Lt abeamPort at 20 1/2m
01:50 - Caprera Lt bore 185°
02:16 - Muro Lt abeam Port at 15.5m
02:40 - Pertusato Lt bore 102°
02:55 - Caprera Lt abeam starboard at 23 1/2m
03:08 - Aquila Lt abeam Port at 10 1/2m
03:15 - Testa Lt bore 115°
03:33 - a/co. 100°
03:50 - Lavezzi Is Lt bore 042°
04:18 - Lavezzi Rk Lt bore 094°
04:56 - a/co. 105°
05:02 - Razzoli Is Lt 088°. Pertusato Lt 053°
05:13 - Razzoli Lt and Razzoli Rk lts ?? 074°
05:16 - a/co. 075°
05:26 - a/co. 030°
05:35 - a/co. 090°
06:50 - Hands scrubbing decks
06:52 - a/co. 154°
07:20 - C Ferro Lt Ho abeam starboard at 12.5m
08:30 - Training classes to instruction
09:00 - Hands employed holystoning decks
10:00 - Red to 10kn, executed ship handling exercise for subordinate officers
11:05 - Exercise completed. Set co. 154° @ 13kn
11:26 - Pedrani Rk bore 279 1/2°
13:30 - Hands employed as required
16:00 - Evening Quarters

Wednesday 9th November 1938

From: Sea
To: Grand Harbour, Malta
At: -
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - Sea to Grand Harbour Malta
00:18 - Pt Lebeccio Lt 125°. Grosso Pt Lt 099 1/2°
00:20 - a/co. 145°
01:18 - Pt Libeccio Lt (Marittimo) abeam Port at 5m
01:55 - Marsala Lt 092°. Grosso Lt 044°
03:02 - a/co. As required to avoid trawlers
03:27 - Marsala Lt 017°. Granitola Lt 084°. Set co. 110°
04:32 - Granitola Lt abeam Port at 7m
05:05 - San Marco Lt bore 072°
05:25 - a/co. 095° to avoid trawlers
05:35 - a/co. 110°
05:45 - Commenced working up to full power
05:53 - San Marco Lt abeam Port D. 8m
06:00 - a/co. 142°
06:55 - Commenced 2 hours full power trial
08:20 - Sighted Gozo Island
08:46 - a/co. 155°
08:58 - Fullpower trial completed, proceed as req for gunnery practice
09:15 - Carried out full cal 15" throw off firing at "Malaya". Sp. 28kn. Co. As req.
09:30 - Practice completed. Commenced easing down speed, co. As req. O.O.W. Manoevres
10:30 - Sp. 13kn
10:40 - Proceed as req to exercise officers in ship handling
11:45 - Proceed co. 150°, sp. 12kn, to approach Gd Harbour entrance
12:32 - a/co. 240°
12:43 - Red to 8kn, co. As req to enter harbour
12:50 - Saluted C in C with 17 guns - returned with 15 guns
13:00 - St Elano Lt Ho abeam manoevered as required to berth at No. 11 Bighi Bay
13:35 - Secured at No 11 Berth Grand Harbour
14:30 - Hoisted out boats and spread Ax Awning
16:00 - Evening Quarters

Thursday 10th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:45 - Divisions. Prayers.
09:30 - Training classes to instruction
10:00 - Hands employed cleaning ship
11:00 - SEO and staff rejoined ship
14:00 - Hands employed paining funnels and cleaning ship
16:00 - Evening Quarters
16:25 - Leave to P.W. 1625 - 0700
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Friday 11th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
09:00 - Hands employed cleaning and painting ship
10:45 - Cleaned Lower Deck for Armistice Day Service on Quarter Deck
11:00 - Observed 2 minute silence
13:30 - Discharged two ratings to RNH Bighi
14:30 - "HMS Vindictive" arrived from sea
15:00 - Hands employed cleaning and painting ship
16:00 - Evening Quarters
16:25 - SW Leave 1625-0700
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Saturday 12th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:00 - Saturday routine
09:00 - Hands employed cleaning ship between decks
11:00 - Captain's Mess Decks Rounds
12:00 - Piped make and mend clothes
13:00 - PW Leave 1300-0700
16:00 - Evening Quarters
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Sunday 13th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:00 - Sunday Routine
09:00 - Divisions
09:30 - Captain's upper deck rounds
10:00 - Divine Service on Quarter Deck
11:45 - SW Leave 1145-0700
16:00 - Evening Quarters
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Monday 14th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:45 - Divisions. Prayers.
09:30 - Hands employed cleaning and painting ship
10:00 - Training classes to instruction
10:30 - HA Guns crews to drills
14:00 - Hands employed cleaning and painting ship
16:00 - Evening Quarters
16:25 - PW Leave 1625-0700
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Tuesday 15th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:45 - Divisions. Prayers.
09:00 - Discharged 4 Ratings to "Castille"
09:30 - Evening Quarters
13:00 - Discharged 1 Rating to RNH Bighi
13:30 - Discharged 1 Rating to "Barham"
14:30 - Hands employed cleaning and painting ship
16:00 - Evening Quarters. Read Warrant No. 87
16:25 - SW Leave 1625-0700
16:55 - Flag of C in C struck in "Warspite" and hoisted in "Malaya"
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230
18:30 - "Malaya" to sea

Wednesday 16th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:45 - Divisions. Prayers.
09:30 - Hands employed cleaning and painting ship
10:00 - Training classes to instruction
13:00 - PW Leave 1300-0700
13:00 - Starboard Watch employed cleaning and painting ship
16:00 - Evening Quarters
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Thursday 17th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:45 - Divisions. Prayers.
09:00 - Training classes to instruction
09:30 - Hands employed cleaning and painting ship
14:00 - Hands employed as required
15:00 - Provision Lighters secured alongside
16:00 - Evening Quarters
16:25 - SW Leave 1625-0700
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Friday 18th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands employed provisioning and storing of ship
14:00 - Hands employed provisioning and storing of ship
16:25 - PW Leave 1625-0700
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Saturday 19th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:00 - Saturday routine
09:00 - Hands employed cleaning decks between decks
12:00 - Piped make and mend clothes
13:00 - SW Leave 1300-0700
16:00 - Evening Quarters. Read Warrant No.88
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Sunday 20th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:00 - Sunday Routine
09:00 - Divisions
10:00 - Divine Service on AK
11:30 - PW Leave 1130-0700
16:00 - Evening Quarters
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Monday 21st November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:00 - Half masted colours for funeral of President of Turkish Republic
09:30 - Hands employed cleaning and painting ship
11:00 - Training classes to instruction
14:00 - Hands employed cleaning and painting ship
16:00 - Evening Quarters
16:25 - SW Leave 1625-0700
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Tuesday 22nd November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:05 - Ammunition ship "Churruca" secured Port side
09:00 - Hands employed disembarking ammunition to "Churruca"
13:30 - Hands employed disembarking ammunition
16:15 - RFA "Churruca" cast off
16:25 - PW Leave 1625-0700
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230
22:45 - Sent night ship to "Barham"

Wednesday 23rd November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta No. 11 G.H.
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
09:30 - Hands employed cleaning and painting ship
11:00 - Training classes to instruction
13:00 - SW Leave 1300-0700
13:30 - Port Watch employed cleaning and painting ship as req
16:00 - Evening Quarters
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Thursday 24th November 1938

From: No 11 G.H.
To: Floating Dock
At: -
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - From Berth 11 to Floating Dock
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
06:30 - Bringing up wires, revving sh props and unshackling on bridle
08:15 - Unshackled second bridle
08:20 - Slipped No 11 buoys and proceeded as req to Floating Dock, Tugs in attendance
09:30 - Secured in Floating Dock
11:00 - Hands employed as required
13:30 - Hands employed scrubbing ships between
15:45 - Dock dry
16:00 - Ex'd Fire Quarters
16:25 - PW Leave 1625-0700
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230
21:00 - Discharged 1 Rating to leave

Friday 25th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta, Floating Dock
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - At Malta Floating Dock
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks and brooming down dock
09:30 - Hands employed cleaning and painting ship and refitting as required
14:00 - Hands employed as previous
16:00 - Ex'd Fire Quarters
16:25 - PW Leave 1625-0700
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Saturday 26th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:00 - Saturday routine
09:00 - Hands employed cleaning ship between decks
10:45 - Mess Deck rounds
12:00 - Piped make and mend clothes
12:45 - SW Leave 1245-0700
16:00 - Evening Quarters. Read Warrant No.90
17:00 - Exercised Fire Quarters
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Sunday 27th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks
08:00 - Sunday Routine
09:00 - Divisions
09:30 - Captain's inspection of upper deck
10:00 - Divine Service conducted on AK
10:45 - Piped down
11:30 - SW Leave 1130-0700
16:00 - Evening Quarters
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Monday 28th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks and brooming down dock
08:00 - Training classes to instruction
10:00 - Hands employed cleaning, clipping and painting ship and refitting as req.
13:30 - Hands employed as previous
16:00 - Evening Quarters
16:25 - PW Leave 1625-0700
16:30 - Ex'd Fire Quarters
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Tuesday 29th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks and brooming down dock
09:00 - Training classes to instruction
09:30 - Hands employed cleaning, clipping and painting ship and refitting as req.
14:00 - Hands employed as previous
16:00 - Evening Quarters
16:25 - SW Leave 1625-0700
16:30 - Ex'd Fire Quarters
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230

Wednesday 30th November 1938

From: -
To: -
At: Malta
Sick: Not recorded
Distance through water: -
Comments: -

00:00 - In harbour at Malta
06:00 - Hands scrubbing decks and brooming down dock
09:00 - Training classes to instruction
09:30 - Hands employed cleaning, clipping and painting ship and refitting as req.
11:30 - Paid monthly advance
14:00 - Hands employed as previous
16:00 - Ex'd Fire Quarters
16:25 - PW Leave 1625-0700
18:30 - Canteen Leave 1830-2230