H.M.S. Hood Today
The Church of St John the Baptist, Boldre
Updated 07-May-2014

Information about the Hood-related places around Loch Eriboll in northwestern Scotland.

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The Church of St John the Baptist, Boldre, New Forest

Boldre Church has been the home of the public and most well-known annual service of commemoration for the crew of the Mighty Hood. It is not the location of the Association's official service, but serves as the primary public service.

It was the favourite church of Hood's last commanding Admiral, Lancelot E. Holland. He and his family regularly attended here. He and his wife Phyllis donated a porch and door dedicated to their son John who died in 1936. Following the war, it became a gathering place to remember VADM Holland and his lost crew. Upon her death in the 1980s, Phyllis Holland was buried in the church yard alongside her son John.

Ultimately, a special corner of the church was dedicated to Hood. This area, known as the "Hood Chapel", contains a number of Hood-related items to include, but not limited to an ornate Roll of Honour, a gun tampion, a large painting by the late artist Montague Dawson and models of both Hood and Bismarck.

In addition to the Hood Chapel, there is of course the aforementioned porch containing the door dedicated to John Holland as well as a bench with an ornate Hood badge, runners and pillows featuring the ship's badge, plus a a small, but ornate stain glassed window also featuring the Hood's badge.

The Hood Chapel    The Hood Chapel
Above- Two views of the Hood Chapel

The Boldre Roll of Honour
Above- The Encased Roll of Honour; Below- Miss Daisy Alcock, the illuminator of the Roll of Honour
Miss Daisy Alcock, illuminator of the Boldre H.M.S. Hood Roll of Honour