H.M.S. Hood Today - Scale Models & Miniatures of Hood
Review of Hallmark Figure's Figurehead 1/6000 Scale H.M.S. Hood Miniatures
by Frank Allen
Updated 07-May-2014

This is a basic review of the Hallmark Figures Figurehead 1/6000 scale metal wargaming miniatures of Hood.
Please check with a local or online hobby retailer of your choice for latest prices and availability.

Chainbar divider
Hallmark Figures Figurehead 1/6000 scale hypothetical Hoods
Hypothetical Hoods.
Left- 1942 scheduled modifications / Right- hybrid carrier

These are very tiny alloy miniatures. They come in two pieces- the ship and a textured base. They measure roughly 1 6/8" / 4.1cm in length and 3/16" / 5mm in width. Due to the very small size, and the hypothetical nature of at least two variants, it is most difficult to judge them in detail. However, as they appear to be about the right size and of correct overall proportions, we'd have to say that they are more than accurate enough to serve their purpose of wargaming.

They offer at least three variants of Hood:

These are available for sale on-line from the great folks at Navigator Miniatures